France 2004:
Tour Album Week 2 (July 26-Aug 1 2004)
The second week started off with rest and relaxation on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday, followed by concerts on Thursday, Friday, Saturday (the big
one at Trèbes) and church on Sunday.

We are staying in the Youth Hostel (Auberge) in the old city of Carcassonne.

Each day we have Bible studies and worship times together in the Youth Hostel.

The Youth Hostel is preparing our meals, which have included the local specialty,

July 29. Concert at Caunes-Minervois, where everything is built from the local
rose marble.

Carcassonne at night is a breathtaking sight.

Our Canadian soul singer Alex doing "Oh Happy Day".

We added a "Gospel Choir" to our repertoire.

Alyce and Dena dancing a contemporary ballet to Brahm's 3rd Symphony, 3rd movement.

Jim pulled out his Jaw Harp...

Stephanie doing some pop-rock.

Julie (left) backing up Nathalie.

Stephanie with some new fans.

July 27. We went to the beach at Narbonne Plage on the Mediterranean.

Emmanuelle (right) from the church in Castelnaudary joined us for the day.

Alex needed a drink (given by Caleb)...

Frankie needed a rest...

Playing on the Place St. Jean.

July 28. We had the opportunity to entertain the diners in an outdoor restaurant
in the old City of Carcassonne.

July 30. We played in Puichéric, a small, dusty, village with a very
friendly mayor.

July 31. Our final concert was played in this 2000-seat arena in Trèbes.

August 1. We held a worship service in Trèbes.

We sang songs to the Lord...

Greg told his testimony, translated by Stéphanie.

The day before each concert, we played on the streets to announce the concert.

Adam Short brought a message from the Bible.

After the service we had a picnic with the people from the new Trèbes

That evening we drove back to the Soudrains' and had a debriefing session.

We sang O Happy Day for the Soudrains, who didn't get to hear it at our concerts.

August 2. We drove to Marseille and got on our plane (center). When they started
the engines it started to smoke, and the passengers were evacuated to the tarmac.
Fortunately nothing serious happened.

We spent the next eight hours getting our tickets changed to route us all back
to the US and Canada.

Our stuff was piled in the Marseille airport departure hall.

Everyone was exremely tired by this time.

Because of the one-day airline delay, they put us up in a hotel and paid for
a delightful meal.

The hotel pool was a godsend after the draining heat of Marseille.

Playing in Trèbes.

Greg leading the "Gospel Choir" in Trèbes.

Alex showing off --as a roadie.

Signing autographs.

Stéphanie with Jean-Olivier, who followed us to all our concerts.